Here's three which have been sounding big on the office stereo + put me in a good mood for the forthcoming (hopefully sunny) weekend here in London town. Hope everyone has a good one planned.
Had never heard of Downtown party network before, i purchased today thanks to your introduction. Already owned other 2 tunes... they are all awesome tunes though. Keep up the good work
Am indeed, feeling your blog & design as well. Cheers for showing appreciation for the posts & taking the time to comment (likewise everyone else above) , glad people are enjoying some of the music.
All the tracks posted are available for a short time and are for evaluation purposes only. This site is simply here to share music that I like with people who might never have heard it before and I fully support these artists by buying their work. If you like something on here, please go out and buy it. If you're the artist (or represent the artist) and you don't like it being here, please let me know and I shall remove it.
Seriously my favorite blog on the planet. Always quality. Thank you.
You guys are killing me! Thank you.
Had never heard of Downtown party network before, i purchased today thanks to your introduction. Already owned other 2 tunes... they are all awesome tunes though. Keep up the good work
You always have super albums! But please share them on rapidshare, cuz mediafire is not accessble here..
thanks for the comments & kind words, always appreciated. glad people are enjoying the music.
nice site btw jonathan, do you work for ghostly by any chance then?
holy coww...this blog is amazing!!! u guys rock!! seems to be the consensus so i guess im jumping on the wagon...but damnnnn!!!
Thanks for the return compliment! I do work for them - largely on a freelance basis. I'm a web designer. Are you a fan?
Am indeed, feeling your blog & design as well. Cheers for showing appreciation for the posts & taking the time to comment (likewise everyone else above) , glad people are enjoying some of the music.
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